Custom Mascara Boxes can be used to pack a wide array of Mascaras:

Custom Printed Mascara Boxes

The eyes are the most, if not, one of the most important body parts. They carry in them a world of emotions. And on top of that, they can be altered in a plethora of ways. Cosmetics since its inception has come a long way. Nowadays, new and improved cosmetic products are being introduced in the market, which is breaking previous records of sales. A significant number of these cosmetic products were eye make-up products. Thus, the popularity of eye make-up products can be gauged from this fact alone. Chief among these products is mascara. Mascara is used to beautifying the natural human eyelashes, as it can significantly alter the appearance of anyone. But, mascaras are very fragile, and prone to breaking, thus, they need to be protected using custom mascara boxes.

Protects a wide array of mascaras:

Like all cosmetic products, mascaras are not of only one type. Rather, many types of mascaras are used for different types of styling. Thus, in order to distinguish and protect them, custom boxes are used. Also, the choice of custom boxes makes it easier for manufacturers to make their products. Now, they can give a brief and accurate description of their products on the custom boxes, and help the customers in their choice of products.

Types of Mascara:

Not all mascaras are similar. Different mascaras are manufactured to give a distinct look to the eyelashes. Therefore, a plethora of mascaras exists in the market. Thus, in order to distinguish them different boxes are needed. Hence, custom mascara boxes come to rescue the manufacturers. As any unique image, slogan, and tagline can be printed on them, thus, brands whether big or small, now have this ability to distinguish themselves from others. Thus, some of the mascaras that are sold in the market are as follows:

  • Curling Mascara
  • Lash Defining Mascara
  • Non-clumping Mascara
  • Fiber Mascara
  • Tubing Mascara
  • Clear Mascara
  • Bottom Lash Mascara
  • Waterproof Mascara
  • Volumizing Mascara
  • Lengthening Mascara

All these types of mascaras are the most commonly sold. And need distinct packaging to make them distinguishable. Hence, box manufacturers work strenuously to make such distinct boxes.

Wonders of printing:

Printing is the most essential feature which helps in distinguishing one box from the other. But, not common printing. The printing techniques that are required for making a successful custom box are CMYK and PMS. These two techniques have changed the way printing was done before. Now, with the help of these two techniques, sharp, crisp, and elegantly colored boxes are made. When these boxes come into the market, they help distinguish their brand. Also, due to their eye-catching colors, customers buy them in droves. Thus resulting in increased sales.

Details of the product can be printed:

Custom boxes also allow the detailed printing of product information. This information can help customers know what kind of materials are used in manufacturing their favorite mascaras. Also, the information regarding the usage of product can also be printed, thus, helping people in using the products.

Can be bought at wholesale prices:

The material required to manufacture custom boxes is cheap and is also abundantly available. Therefore, they are produced in bulk quantity and are bought and sold at wholesale prices. Hence, even small business owners can afford to use custom boxes, to pack their mascaras.

Helps consolidate a place for brands in markets:

Brands need a market where they can flourish and expand. But, as competition is stiff, and continues to be like this, hence a tie-breaker is needed. A thing that can help a cosmetic brand keep its identity and place in the market. Hence, custom boxes provide such an opportunity to all brands. They help brands make a separate and distinguishable identity for themselves. Their unique designs can help win the hearts and minds of the customers and attract them to a particular brand. This way, a brand consolidates its place in the market by becoming renowned.

Increases a brands value:

Custom packaging does not only make a brand known but also helps in increasing its overall value. This value can be gauged in monetary as well as in reputation. When a brand becomes renowned its monetary worth starts to increase, because of the increase in its shares. Also, its reputation is also increased, thus, bringing in more and more customers. Hence, custom boxes help a brand increase its value, and become a brand of immense popularity. Thus, the use of custom boxes is extremely beneficial for brands in terms of money and reputation. Custom mascara boxes have significantly changed the way mascaras in which they packed. And they are also bringing in huge revenues, and reputation for different brands.